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Rise from Failure

You may fail, you may fall. Accept failure as a process on your way to your destination.
However, don't fall too long, get up and get up. Stand up, walk slowly, then run to get back to chasing your dreams. It's not an easy thing when we fall then get up and run after our dreams. Therefore, arrange accordingly slowly. Walk slowly, until you are ready to run, then run until you are can chase and arrive at your dreams.

|•SOURCE•| Image :unfinishedsuccess |


|• NATIONAL •|JOKOWI Changes UI Statute
|• INTERNATIONAL •|The Woodcutter Was Attacked by TIGER
|• BANKING •|the-Fate Of Office Property Business
|• POLITICS •|Limited Subsidized Housing Budget
|• SCIENCE •|Through Education, ETF Preserves Eka Tjipta Widjaja's Life Philosophy
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Develop Confidence

Yes, your confidence may be shaken if you have spent probation for three months,
and until the probation period is extended you are still not a permanent employee, but don't let it make you feel unworthy of the job you do At the moment. Maybe now you're trying to give your best, that means it's done ok, it's just that maybe the company needs stronger proof and need so that you can grow even more. You must maximize the opportunity, without feeling inferior. You have to be able to love yourself, accept all input that people in your environment give you to help you become even better. You have to believe that you really are capable.

Although confidence takes a long time, the sooner you start, the sooner you will able to overcome challenges in life.

 Try to reduce self-doubt and cultivate the feeling that you can achieve your dreams. If you're already doubting yourself, then everyone you meet will follow in your footsteps.

 Hang out with people who make you feel good, instead of feeling good inferiority.

 Prove it with your body gestures until you can succeed and show the language positive body. Stand up straight, don't stoop, and don't cross your arms front chest. Show an expression that exudes a positive aura and is open to anything that the world has to offer.



|• NATIONAL •|JOKOWI Changes UI Statute
|• INTERNATIONAL •|The Woodcutter Was Attacked by TIGER
|• BANKING •|the-Fate Of Office Property Business
|• POLITICS •|Limited Subsidized Housing Budget
|• SCIENCE •|Through Education, ETF Preserves Eka Tjipta Widjaja's Life Philosophy
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Accept Failure

Failure is not the end of everything, so accept failure. Failure is the first step to success. Because, no one is successful without experiencing failure.
John Lennon didn't have an instant success. He failed to get good grades in several subjects because of his illness. Even so, he made it all a determination to make him a 'someone' that can be known even by the world. Often we do not see the meaning and message of a failure. We only see that failure is something scary, something that makes us fall, but more than it's that failure is another word for a short break. After that failure can be felt as one way we can perfect what is our goal. After failing, we will become more aware of which path to take, meaning that we no longer have to walk the path we have taken before, we can find another way so as not to fall the same mistakes and failures. Instead of just complaining, lamenting, and sinking into failure, you can ask yourself, “What is there to improve on the current plan? What can be prepared so that not return to failure?”. By asking yourself like that, it means that you are sure that failure is not the end and you will get unexpected results.



|• NATIONAL •|JOKOWI Changes UI Statute
|• INTERNATIONAL •|The Woodcutter Was Attacked by TIGER
|• BANKING •|the-Fate Of Office Property Business
|• POLITICS •|Limited Subsidized Housing Budget
|• SCIENCE •|Through Education, ETF Preserves Eka Tjipta Widjaja's Life Philosophy
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Never Give Up

Never Give Up is an expression in English that can mean don't give up, don't give up, don't stop at the present situation.
Keep trying even though difficult. This sentence is often conveyed to people who are at the lowest point in their lives. The goal, so that the person becomes more enthusiastic and does not despair in the situation.

Have you ever felt like giving up when faced with a problem? Feel that you have failed? Until lazy to continue the activities that you should be doing, lazy to continue your life?

Many of us when we face a failure it feels like the sky is collapsing, sinking, blaming yourself, and cursing yourself for the failure that happened, wanting to give up like that just. In fact, failure is not our reason to give up, but as our strength to can prepare for the challenges ahead better, stronger, and more mature.

|•SOURCE•| Image :PEAKPX |


|• NATIONAL •|JOKOWI Changes UI Statute
|• INTERNATIONAL •|The Woodcutter Was Attacked by TIGER
|• BANKING •|the-Fate Of Office Property Business
|• POLITICS •|Limited Subsidized Housing Budget
|• SCIENCE •|Through Education, ETF Preserves Eka Tjipta Widjaja's Life Philosophy
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Tips that can be done when it's quality time

a. Make eye contact

Many people say that the eyes are the window to the world.
Through the eyes all things can be seen. Then you should look into your partner's eyes to make a deeper bond with partner, through your eyes you can understand your partner more deeply and the things that unsaid.

b. Listen

Listening is important in a relationship. Communication is key a more lasting relationship. Listening more, and speaking in moderation are things which is important when you are spending quality time together. Give your partner's chance to tell you everything, and listen. It doesn't hurt you too Ask your partner to listen to your story. Listen to each other make you understand each other more.

c. "It is there"

There are times when you are together with your partner, your mind drifts far away somewhere, so does your partner. So try to focus on being there with your partner. Wrong One way that can be done is to turn off and keep the gadget out of your reach and partner, so you and your partner can focus more together. Quality time with your partner becomes so important on the sidelines of your busy life with your partner work. Because your partner is one of your places to go home and unwind and tired after work. Have you spent quality time together with your couple?



|• NATIONAL •|Vaccination Centers For General Public
|• INTERNATIONAL •|During January 837 Business Places in
|• BANKING •|Inflation Overshadows Poverty Reduction
|• POLITICS •|Palm Oil Still Faces Number Of Problems
|• SCIENCE •|The Story Of Pioneer Of Paper Forest In
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Plan a longer vacation together - How Does Quality Time for Spouses Work?

Planning a long vacation with your partner may be a very difficult thing pleasant.
Long holidays can be done on the sidelines of a long weekend. Planning to go to where, how long, with whom, and various holiday plans make you and your partner better understand each other. Of course there will always be differences of opinion between you and your partner. such as the difference between likes and dislikes. Then plan a vacation together make you understand your partner better, and vice versa.

When you are spending time with your partner, focus on yourself partner, and vice versa. When you feel that your partner is too much using the gadget, then it never hurts to say that you and your partner are spending time together. If once in a while you and your partner want to capture the moment there's nothing wrong with going through photos, but keep in mind, you and your partner are both busy working all this time, so quality time with your partner is so important



|• NATIONAL •|Vaccination Centers For General Public
|• INTERNATIONAL •|During January 837 Business Places in
|• BANKING •|Inflation Overshadows Poverty Reduction
|• POLITICS •|Palm Oil Still Faces Number Of Problems
|• SCIENCE •|The Story Of Pioneer Of Paper Forest In
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Do simple activities or try new things - How Does Quality Time for Spouses Work?

When you and your partner are spending time together, you can do
some simple things, or even trying new things. Some things below You can try when you are spending time with your partner:

a. Recreate you and your partner's first date

Try to remember, where and what was your first date with your partner like? Where You met your partner for the first time? Maybe it won't hurt to build bring back those memories by visiting the place where you and your partner first meeting, or dating for the first time. Remember what clothes you and your partner wore use, what food or drink are you and your partner eating on a date first time. Bring back the first impression when you first meet or date with a partner can bring beautiful memories that make your relationship with a partner warmer.

b. Try your partner's hobby

Reported from the Journal of Happiness Studies entitled "How's Life at Home? New Evidence on Marriage and the Set Point for Happiness” found that the best way to be in a relationship The long term with a partner is to make a partner our best friend. Act as partner and best friend is a pleasant combination, usually when you are with best friends can usually do many things together including hobbies. If all this time you and couples have different hobbies and never interfere with each other's hobbies, then it never hurts to try your partner's hobby or your partner to try your hobby do all this time. Sharing hobbies can also make your bond with your partner stronger Besides, if in the end you or your partner have a hobby together, then you can wider and deeper collaboration and conversation while being together

|•SOURCE•| Articles :TIPS AND WISDOM | Image :ROMPER |


|• NATIONAL •|Vaccination Centers For General Public
|• INTERNATIONAL •|During January 837 Business Places in
|• BANKING •|Inflation Overshadows Poverty Reduction
|• POLITICS •|Palm Oil Still Faces Number Of Problems
|• SCIENCE •|The Story Of Pioneer Of Paper Forest In
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Take time to have lunch together - How Does Quality Time for Spouses Work?

If indeed your partner is in the same office or maybe works in an office not too far away,
maybe it never hurts to make time for lunch together once in a while. Eat afternoon can be done alone, or sometimes invite your co-workers or coworkers your partner in turn. In addition to improving the quality of time to be with partner, you and your partner can know the work environment and get to know colleagues you and your partner. When you and your partner get to know each other's environment and co-workers, then this can build trust in each other in a more harmonious relationship.



|• NATIONAL •|Vaccination Centers For General Public
|• INTERNATIONAL •|During January 837 Business Places in
|• BANKING •|Inflation Overshadows Poverty Reduction
|• POLITICS •|Palm Oil Still Faces Number Of Problems
|• SCIENCE •|The Story Of Pioneer Of Paper Forest In
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Plan for “Couple Time” - How Does Quality Time for Spouses Work?

It could be that you are the one who every time you come home from work to meet your partner
or even maybe only once a week every weekend. Then there's nothing wrong with planning something that having fun with a partner, for example, like spending time together without one gadget full day or half day on weekends.

When you're doing "couple time", it's a good idea to evaluate your relationship or just talk from heart to partner. Talk about things that are weighing you down You, or things that need to be improved in this relationship, as well as other small talk of course. Maybe you can also plan to do a "couple time" routine. Such that proposed by The National Marriage Project of the University of Virginia, USA found that couples who have regular weekly dates can build relationships more impress and help prevent boredom in relationships and improve communication good with a partner.



|• NATIONAL •|Vaccination Centers For General Public
|• INTERNATIONAL •|During January 837 Business Places in
|• BANKING •|Inflation Overshadows Poverty Reduction
|• POLITICS •|Palm Oil Still Faces Number Of Problems
|• SCIENCE •|The Story Of Pioneer Of Paper Forest In
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What is Quality Time?

Quality time is one of the love languages ​​which means spending time together with loved ones and closest in quality without interruption.
Quality time provide opportunities to be together and talk together, because communication will build emotional intimacy and trust. Gary Chapman, the character who introduced Five Love Languages argues that quality time is a love language that focuses on togetherness.

Although quality time is one of the five love languages, quality time is not only can be done with a partner. The language of love is a universal language, meaning language This love can not only be applied to couples but also parents, siblings, children, friends or people closest and dear to you. Quality time can be done together closest people by doing quality time with spouse, family, friends and even for yourself alone.

In the midst of busy work sometimes you like to be negligent and forget to spend time together with those closest to you. Even though the closest people are like family, a partner or friend who becomes your place to release fatigue, sadness, anger, disappointment or even happiness that you experience both at work and outside profession. So that quality time becomes an important part of life even though you are working too be a top priority. Maybe you often hear stories about people who are too work so much that he neglects to spend time with those closest to him. But you all never know what will happen in the future, maybe parents who are aging, children growing too fast, or spouses who feel unnoticed. When you lose the people closest to you because you neglect to prepare time with them, their regrets will come at the end of time. So even though busy with work, then you should spend time with the people closest to you, wrong The only person who is closest to you is your partner.



|• NATIONAL •|Vaccination Centers For General Public
|• INTERNATIONAL •|During January 837 Business Places in
|• BANKING •|Inflation Overshadows Poverty Reduction
|• POLITICS •|Palm Oil Still Faces Number Of Problems
|• SCIENCE •|The Story Of Pioneer Of Paper Forest In
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Tips for Success in Becoming a Stock Investor from Lo Kheng Hong

Hunting for money through investing in the capital market must be equipped with accurate knowledge and information and not just going along with it. Just look at the figure of Lo Kheng Hong, nicknamed Warren Buffett Indonesia, who has been in the investment world and tasted sour and salt for 32 years in capital market investment, but still needs knowledge.
Through SimInvest Year End Dinner with Lo Kheng Hong, which is an appreciation of PT Sinarmas Sekuritas and Sinarmas Asset Management to customers who won the 2021 Capital Market and Summit Expo (CMSE), Lo Kheng Hong shared his tips and experiences. As quoted in a press release by PT Sinarmas Sekuritas in Jakarta, yesterday it was stated, for Lo Kheng Hong investing is easy and simple for those who have goals and are patient, I went through a period of tight money policy or a policy of tightening finances when I started investing. But I didn't give up and finally in 1992 I made a profit," he recalls. Not complacent with the profits achieved, Lo continued his investment by continuing to hunt for stocks that he felt had good prospects and the price was still cheap. He admitted that he started investing in stocks in 1989 and admitted that he had not made a profit for four years. The stock he bought was a loss and had not returned at a price that was worth selling.

|•SOURCE•| Articles :INVESTOR | Image :BISNIS |


|• NATIONAL •|Tjiwi Kimia Wins covid 19 Prevention
|• INTERNATIONAL •|Sultan of Gunung Tabur Berau Coal
|• BANKING •|Fiscal Reform Becomes Valuable Capital
|• POLITICS •|Bank Mandiri and SUN Energy Sign MoU
|• BUSINESS •|Inspection Ensure Cooking Oil Supply
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STOP smoking - Healthy Lifestyle That Can Applied During a Pandemic COVID-19

There are many perceived benefits of quitting smoking. Quitting smoking can boost the body's immune system.
Quitting smoking can improve blood circulation, increase oxygen levels, and reduce inflammation or inflammation. All of this will increase the body's immunity.


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Positive Thinking - Healthy Lifestyle That Can Applied During a Pandemic COVID-19

During the corona pandemic like today, fear to face Corona virus can make people experience anxiety disorders.
Positive thinking can calm feelings in the middle of the news about corona. Mindset can affect health somebody. People who think positively tend to be healthier, they can deal with stress well. People who think positively are also easier to apply healthy lifestyle, so you don't get sick.

|•SOURCE•| Articles :TIPS AND WISDOM | Image :GLOCAL |


|• NATIONAL •|Tjiwi Kimia Wins covid 19 Prevention
|• INTERNATIONAL •|Sultan of Gunung Tabur Berau Coal
|• BANKING •|Fiscal Reform Becomes Valuable Capital
|• POLITICS •|Bank Mandiri and SUN Energy Sign MoU
|• BUSINESS •|Inspection Ensure Cooking Oil Supply
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Enough rest - Healthy Lifestyle That Can Applied During a Pandemic COVID-19

Adequate rest actually affects health. Sleep not only relieves drowsiness but also very good for mental and physical health.
It is suspected that lack of sleep can increase the risk of kidney disease, heart disease, stroke, blood pressure high blood pressure, diabetes, and irregular heart pressure. Adequate rest and sleep can maintain a healthy body our.

|•SOURCE•| Articles :TIPS AND WISDOM | Image :SMH |


|• NATIONAL •|Tjiwi Kimia Wins covid 19 Prevention
|• INTERNATIONAL •|Sultan of Gunung Tabur Berau Coal
|• BANKING •|Fiscal Reform Becomes Valuable Capital
|• POLITICS •|Bank Mandiri and SUN Energy Sign MoU
|• BUSINESS •|Inspection Ensure Cooking Oil Supply
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Doing Physical Activities and Sports Regularly - Healthy Lifestyle That Can Applied During a Pandemic COVID-19

At times like this, keep your immune system strong by doing #StayAtHome routine, you can do it at home as well as on the home page.
In addition to fitness and increase the body's immune, exercise can also change mood. It is advisable to exercise regularly.



|• NATIONAL •|Tjiwi Kimia Wins covid 19 Prevention
|• INTERNATIONAL •|Sultan of Gunung Tabur Berau Coal
|• BANKING •|Fiscal Reform Becomes Valuable Capital
|• POLITICS •|Bank Mandiri and SUN Energy Sign MoU
|• BUSINESS •|Inspection Ensure Cooking Oil Supply
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Eat Fruits and Vegetables And Drink 8 Glasses Of Water Every Day - Healthy Lifestyle That Can Applied During a Pandemic COVID-19

Fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber which is important for our body.
Can eat fruit and vegetables boost immunity. If our immune system is strong then viruses and bacteria are susceptible to enter the body. Drink water 8 glasses a day is highly recommended by health experts. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic like today, many experts Many health advises to drink lots of water. Water is useful for all systems in the body to run smoothly smooth and perfect.



|• NATIONAL •|Tjiwi Kimia Wins covid 19 Prevention
|• INTERNATIONAL •|Sultan of Gunung Tabur Berau Coal
|• BANKING •|Fiscal Reform Becomes Valuable Capital
|• POLITICS •|Bank Mandiri and SUN Energy Sign MoU
|• BUSINESS •|Inspection Ensure Cooking Oil Supply
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Accept yourself - Great Mindset Which is owned Success People

Successful people know themselves well. They know your goals and dreams. They know values, abilities and skills that exist within themselves.
They also recognize their own weaknesses and shortcomings by clear and not trying to be someone else. This is also what we must do. We have to accept ourselves himself well. We must recognize who we are, the values ​​that we have, and our strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, we will not try to be someone else. Never feel ashamed of your shortcomings. Find ways to improve your weaknesses. Exist many things we can do to improve quality self. Those are 4 great mindsets that successful people have. Remember that mindset determines success. If we want to be successful, we must have the right mindset and right. We can adopt these 4 great mindsets on your career journey to can achieve the desired success, both success personal and professional success.



|• NATIONAL •|Tjiwi Kimia Wins covid 19 Prevention
|• INTERNATIONAL •|Sultan of Gunung Tabur Berau Coal
|• BANKING •|Fiscal Reform Becomes Valuable Capital
|• POLITICS •|Bank Mandiri and SUN Energy Sign MoU
|• BUSINESS •|Inspection Ensure Cooking Oil Supply
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Develop positive self-confidence - Great Mindset Which is owned Success People

The beliefs we have influence our behavior and actions. If we believe that we will be successful, it will be so. If we are not sure, we will never be successful.
The desire for success will always keep us strong Focus on the solution, not the problem. If we have negative beliefs about the desired goal, we will difficult to achieve this goal. If we don't feel confident in ourselves, how will people? others can rest assured with us? Let's take a look at this situation. We are a salesperson who wants to sell products or services to potential customers. When you don't feel sure with what we sell, will the customer buy it? Certainly not. On the other hand, if we sell and make a presentation with confidence, then the customer will also feel confident to buy it. Approach, positive communication and body language will result in positive impact too. The journey of success is like a journey mountain climbing. It's very natural if we don't feel sure to reach the top.

We may also feel unable to face existing challenges. This is what causes many people give up in the middle of the road and forget the success that dreamed of. Successful people will continue to strive to achieve peak, even if they find it difficult. They have positive self-confidence that you can get through every existing challenges and achieve the desired goals. So, what about Career Advice fellow readers? is You will give up halfway or keep climbing until reach the pinnacle of success? Have self-confidence positive. Know that there is a great power within you that we may not realize.



|• NATIONAL •|Guaranteed Cooking Oil Stock
|• INTERNATIONAL •|Property Giant is Still Question-mark
|• TECHNOLOGY •|Rooftop solar power plant investment
|• TIPS AND WISDOM •|Just do a good thing
|• SCIENCE •|INDONESIA Can Be Free from Imports of Fuel by 2030
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Grow - Great Mindset Which is owned Success People

Successful people are always focused on growth. Well, that means we must instill in the mind that success is improvements that must be made continuously
If we focus on growth, we will see the journey clear career. Of course, we must always be open to learning and trying to improve themselves in achieving destination. Successful people will always be happy to keep trying do the things they want. They never feel bored to try different strategies and techniques. They believe that that is what helped him achieve his goal which is desired. This is what we need to instill in ourselves. Success is a learning process that requires us to always improve oneself. If we want to be successful, we must be willing make adjustments. This is because success is about grow.



|• NATIONAL •|Guaranteed Cooking Oil Stock
|• INTERNATIONAL •|Property Giant is Still Question-mark
|• TECHNOLOGY •|Rooftop solar power plant investment
|• TIPS AND WISDOM •|Just do a good thing
|• SCIENCE •|INDONESIA Can Be Free from Imports of Fuel by 2030
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Start, then finish - Great Mindset Which is owned Success People

We have everything we need to achieve our goals. We do many things that can lead us to that goal. We try our best and as hard as we can.
When we get a fun new project and requires us to collaborate, we will feel happy and immediately said 'yes' to the project. We think that being successful means having a lot of good work fun at one time, but it turns out thinking like it's wrong. When I started my career, I was a very competitive. I am always passionate about taking responsibility new answer with big purpose. Sometimes I'm lucky so that they can achieve their goals, but experience more failure. I realized that the failure occurred not for lack of skills or knowledge. However, I didn't focus on the right things. Successful people are very careful in choosing a job. They focus on the plans made. They finish what has started. They don't care how good the project and how great the idea is. All it will be meaningless if we don't finish what has begun. Remember, getting a job or two done is much more better than just working on 100 great projects without solution. So, we don't have to think about many great things that we have to make, but it's enough to finish one or two job well.



|• NATIONAL •|Guaranteed Cooking Oil Stock
|• INTERNATIONAL •|Property Giant is Still Question-mark
|• TECHNOLOGY •|Rooftop solar power plant investment
|• TIPS AND WISDOM •|Just do a good thing
|• SCIENCE •|INDONESIA Can Be Free from Imports of Fuel by 2030
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