Just do a good thing

When dawn broke, an old man took a walk on the beach while enjoying the fresh sea breeze hitting the shoreline. In the distance he saw a child picking up a starfish and throwing it back into the water.
After approaching the boy, the old man asked in surprise, "Why did you collect and throw the starfish back into the water?" "Because if left until the morning sun comes stinging, the stranded starfish will soon die of drought," replied the little one. "But this beach is wide and miles long," said the old man, pointing his wrinkled finger toward the wide sandy beach. “After all, there are millions of sea stars that have washed ashore. I doubt whether your efforts really have any great meaning,” he continued doubtfully. The boy looked at the starfish in his hand for a long time without saying a word. Then slowly he threw it into the sea to be safe and alive." then smiling at the old man, he said “I made a change for one thing. One Action A simple act of kindness can make a difference to your family, your friends, even to the unfamiliar faces we sometimes don't know." I'm sure my efforts really mean a lot to this one at least." said the little one. Moral Message: sometimes, we always feel like we can't do anything like that little child, but even though it's just a simple act of kindness, it makes so much difference to the starfish itself When you give a little smile to other people, be it your family, your friends or strangers you meet, you have made a huge difference to them. Small, simple actions can make a big difference to someone in need. Saving Starfish is a little act that proves that truth We often yearn to do something big, but we often forget that big things often start with something small.



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