Do simple activities or try new things - How Does Quality Time for Spouses Work?

When you and your partner are spending time together, you can do
some simple things, or even trying new things. Some things below You can try when you are spending time with your partner:

a. Recreate you and your partner's first date

Try to remember, where and what was your first date with your partner like? Where You met your partner for the first time? Maybe it won't hurt to build bring back those memories by visiting the place where you and your partner first meeting, or dating for the first time. Remember what clothes you and your partner wore use, what food or drink are you and your partner eating on a date first time. Bring back the first impression when you first meet or date with a partner can bring beautiful memories that make your relationship with a partner warmer.

b. Try your partner's hobby

Reported from the Journal of Happiness Studies entitled "How's Life at Home? New Evidence on Marriage and the Set Point for Happiness” found that the best way to be in a relationship The long term with a partner is to make a partner our best friend. Act as partner and best friend is a pleasant combination, usually when you are with best friends can usually do many things together including hobbies. If all this time you and couples have different hobbies and never interfere with each other's hobbies, then it never hurts to try your partner's hobby or your partner to try your hobby do all this time. Sharing hobbies can also make your bond with your partner stronger Besides, if in the end you or your partner have a hobby together, then you can wider and deeper collaboration and conversation while being together

|•SOURCE•| Articles :TIPS AND WISDOM | Image :ROMPER |


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