Accept Failure

Failure is not the end of everything, so accept failure. Failure is the first step to success. Because, no one is successful without experiencing failure.
John Lennon didn't have an instant success. He failed to get good grades in several subjects because of his illness. Even so, he made it all a determination to make him a 'someone' that can be known even by the world. Often we do not see the meaning and message of a failure. We only see that failure is something scary, something that makes us fall, but more than it's that failure is another word for a short break. After that failure can be felt as one way we can perfect what is our goal. After failing, we will become more aware of which path to take, meaning that we no longer have to walk the path we have taken before, we can find another way so as not to fall the same mistakes and failures. Instead of just complaining, lamenting, and sinking into failure, you can ask yourself, “What is there to improve on the current plan? What can be prepared so that not return to failure?”. By asking yourself like that, it means that you are sure that failure is not the end and you will get unexpected results.



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