Becoming a Working Mom

According to the Encyclopedia of Children's Health, the definition of a working mother is a woman who is mothers and work outside the home to earn income other than the work they do at home to take care of children.
A working woman who gets married and then has children may be the reasonable at this time. Not even a few exchange roles where mothers work and housewives exist in this era now. Being a working mother is not easy but it can be faced. Working mothers are very vulnerable with stress, especially stress due to balance between work and life or work-life balance. Many articles have been written about work-life balance tips for singles, but maybe the article that is discussing tips on the work-life balance of a working mother is not that much. Consciously or not, in particular In Indonesia, working mothers sometimes want to or not “put home” themselves, due to their poor condition indeed was weak during pregnancy to think of not having time for the child in the future. Whatever a woman's choice to be a housewife or a working mother is the choice of each, because both are equally good, neither one is better than the other.

Reported from the Harvard Business Review article entitled "How to Let Go of Working-Mom Guilt", a working mother may feel very tired and stressed in carrying out their dual role, and often wonder, whether only he himself felt the stress. Even though almost all working mothers will definitely experience struggle within him. This article is written for working mothers because a working mother will have more stress than a housewife. When a housewife feels stressed taking care of children, husband, finances, relationships with family, neighbors, friends and so on, a mother work will have more stress related to work, relationships with coworkers, superiors or subordinates, and various matters related to his work. Sometimes even moms work a little or not have time for himself due to busy taking care of his family and work. A mother working has the right to have time for himself, if a working mother who still has a husband maybe have a little help when they are having a hard time looking after the kids when they are busy, but maybe it will be so difficult if a working mother who doesn't have a partner maybe caused by separation or death.

Namun, pada tahun 2020, ketika pandemi Covid-19 menyerang hampir seluruh negara, banyak perusahaan yang akhirnya memberikan peraturan untuk bekerja dari rumah. Bekerja dari rumah memiliki dampak yang baik dan juga kurang baik mungkin bagi para ibu bekerja. Di satu sisi akhirnya ibu bekerja dapat memiliki banyak waktu untuk anak dan suami serta berbagai urusan keluarga lainnya, namun di sisi lain menyatukan pekerjaan dan keluarga disatu waktu mungkin akan membuat distraksi satu dengan lainnya. Ketika bekerja akan terdistraksi dengan keluarga, ketika sedang mengurus anak akan terdistraksi dengan pekerjaan. Tidak pernah ada yang terlalu sempurna pastinya dalam hidup, tapi memaksimalkan sebaik mungkin untuk kedua keluarga dan pekerjaan dapat menjadi alternatif. Menjadi ibu bekerja juga sepatutnya berbahagia, karena menjadi seorang ibu bekerja yang bahagia, akan membuat keluarga dan pekerjaan pun dapat berjalan lebih lancar.

Tips Menjadi Ibu Bekerja

Menjadi ibu bekerja pastinya bukan persoalan yang mudah, ketika seorang dituntut untuk menjadi multi-tasking untuk keluarga dan pekerjaan terkadang di waktu yang bersamaan. Beberapa tips berikut mungkin menjadi alternatif.

|•SOURCE•| Image :ENFA |


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