Take a few minutes a day to do contemplation. Do it on a quiet morning, immediately after waking up. Or in the evening just before going to bed.
Meditate in silence. Do not use your mind to seek the answers. In contemplation we do not seek answers. Enough friends with calm then we will get clarity of mind.
The answer comes from our clear mind. During the day we are busy with various things. Realize that our minds need rest.
Not enough just to sleep. We need to sleep awake. Meditate and find inner peace.
The mind used is like soapy water stirred in a glass cup. The more soap mixed, the cloudier the water. The faster we stir, the stronger the vortex.
To contemplate is to stop stirring. And let the water spin slowly. Watch the soap particles drop one by one, hitting the bottom of the glass.
Really slow. No sound. We can even hear the falling soap particles. Now we have clear water left on the surface. Isn't clear water able to pass light? So it is with our clear mind.
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